Tuesday, November 27, 2012

bila aku tidak mementing diri

dengan lafaz bismillahirahmanirahim dengan nama allah yang maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang..
dan selawat dan salam kepada jungjungan kita nabi Muhammad s.a.w serta kepada sahabat dan keluarga baginda..

ya allah, hati ini diketuk lagi, diketuk untuk menangis dalam suram malam..sungguh hatiku rapuh,rapuh dalam meniti ujian ujian yang hadir untuk mentarbiahkan diriku..

sungguh aku telah berjanji mutiara ini tidak akan dibiarkan kerana dirinya dan dirinya...

mengapa dan mengapa

hati ku tetap rapuh yang ALLAH, lemahnya kudratku,
sakitnya, telah ku mengerti sungguh aku tak sanggup merasainya buat kali ke seterusnya...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Magazine cover ^^

 The Pencak silat dedicated coaching 2011

cute baby, right???, My youngest brother

PraY 4 gaza

thankful we be given allah peace in malaysia life on earth is this??,

and was not placed us to feel rain bullets on earth GAZA??? ..
please wake up ...wake up  duhai anak anak adam

O Muslim brothers, Learn Islam, Teach Islam to your kids . Be united under the flag of Islam . You see today Gaza is under attack and No Muslim country came to
defend them. If you keep continue to be busy with worldly matters & run after money, luxury & fun forgetting Islam, One day You may come under attack and the rest of the Muslim world will see without doing anything. And You will be helpless just like the Gazans today. Islam promotes Peace & defend peace too . Still You have time. without delay make tawba, come to the straight way ; Islam will show you the best & right way for you & for your family.

The body of a female child Palestine 70% destroyed in a missile
gun Laknatullah Zionist Jewish son .... Her body was already almost the same as free burger meat being fed to the people of Malaysia a few days ago ....

Thanks to the support of Jewish eaters Laknatullah product ... This is your Service to your friend in Palestine ...
Al-Fatiha For late ...
O Allah, rescue them.
Keep us from this world Defamation.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

To Shine Like A Star

Muslim are like a star, stars that shine on the face of the earth. Stars that give peoples' hopes alive. Stars that will lead the way when others feel they have lost their sense of direction. Therefore, we as Musilm are caliphate. The caliph of the Ummahs.

''Ummah" that has variety of meanings which in our understanding it means the unity of every single human beings even though there are lot of peoples who has different backgrounds, races and religions but still uniting together as one.
Muslims used to be the reference point, used to be the pioneer in everything. We set the world in our order, We lead the people to do righteous deeds and urge people to have strong faith in what ever their doings, hope to get the blessing from Him. It is our hope to others will follow the path of truths, the path of Islam, the path of God that has been set systematically and orderly. Like in the book of Torah, Bible and Al Quran, God has given them signs and orders, so that people will carry out their purpose and objective.
Allah SWT said in His Book, Al-Qur'anul Kareem;

"And He is the One who made the stars to guide you during the darkness, on land and on sea. We thus clarify the revelations for people who know."

(Surah al-An'am verse 971)

Verily He has made stars for people as guidance, thou that should lead them to the right path. As stated in the Qur'an, the words that Allah brings down to us are no ordinary words but that will lead us to be the star, shining through out the world. To shine like a star is to shine like a Muslim.

Stars are most beautiful when they shine together,
illuminating the world with their light.
As such, is the beauty of Allah the Creator.

To shine like a star, our first requirement is to fulfill all obligatory and His commands. By implementing that to our physical and spiritual needs, we will shine brighter than the star. He will let us stand out among others. It is our hope that Muslims around the world learns much knowledge as possible By His will, you will be the guidance for people who are astray and to lead them onto the right path of Islam in this dunya and the hereafter..

Even though star can dried out and die, but not to worry, once a star died, new stars are born every year. Not just one star but millions!. Muslim should be like that, if one brightest Muslim dies, they are million of them that can be replace.
Let us be the symbol to those who are astray, be a symbol which has humbleness, sincerity, and forgiveness installed in our heart and soul. A symbol which not to be adored but to follow. Let us shine the light for them to follow the true path.
The only good is knowledge, and the only evil is ignorance

Friday, November 16, 2012

5 hr 4mlm " kampung batu melintang

Dengan nama ALLAH yang Maha PemuraH lagi Maha Penyayangg.Selawat dan salam kepada kekasih yang dirindui, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dan kaum kerabat Baginda::..

Assalamualaikum, teman teman kerinduan hati, moga kalian dalam lindungan Yang Maha Pengasih ILAHI
Cuti cuti dan cuti datang lagi. Apa lagi persiapan balik kampung la. Bukan apa cuti nie, ana sudah lama tak menjengah ke kampung halaman ibu kedua ana( alhamdulillah ada 2 uMMI). lagipun, nak diikutkan sudah banyak kali panggilan dari sana meminta ana pulang ke kampung.(maklumlah anak kesayangan heheheh). Mana tidaknya, dalam tempoh sebulan shaja dah lebih 3 4 kali ibu telefon bertanyakan waktu cuti dah sampai ke belum..hmmm nak tak nak..ana perlu baliklah ke  "Kampung Batu melintang Jeli"..Boleh juga lepaskan kerinduan pada ABAH ana.
walaupun tak lama cuti dihabiskan di kampung.(5hati 4 mlm), tapi alhamdulillah angin kampung tetap terasa.
sebenarnya, kampung ini merupakan kampung asal mak tiri ana (yang ana biasakan memanggilnya IBU). Berada di kampung halaman ibu, pada permulaannya agak  tidak selesa tapi lama lama sebati jua :)
5 hari 4 mlm berkampung di sana, seribu kenangan terlukis dalam "coretan kenangan ana"..tapi paling banyak la kan adalah Makan ..hihihi. Sepanjang cuti ana , abah sedikit sibuk dengan kerja , jadi nak bersiar siar 2 tak dapat la sangat. (maklumlah abah kurang benarkan ana dan ibu keluar bersiar siar tanpanya
adik lelaki ana bersama bdak comel amalina

so, nak dijadikan cerita, kerja ana hari ialah MAKAN dan jadi BABYSITTER adik adik ana yang tersangatlah nakal dan xboleh duk diam. walaupun dah berpengalaman jaga kanak kanak( maklumlah kak long) tapi adik adik ana sebelah abah ini, diorang punya nakal cukup menguji kesabaran ana.

tiga saudara

ana terfikir walaupun semua dunia kanak kanak adalah sama..namun permikiran mereka tetap sukar dibaca..terdetik juga perkara ni " xcukup layak lagi bergelar Ibu" masih banyak ilmu
yang  perlu dicari :)

Semua yang terukir sepanjang 5hr 4mlm di kmpung batu melintang jeli.. menjadi coretan kenangan ana.
Yang baik ana jadikan ikutan, yang buruk jadikan teladan.
coretan kenangan 5hari 4mlm

abah bersama adam dan ria

jom makan makan time ^^

Memories Tips ^^

Are you constantly forgetting things? If you're like most people, then you probably said yes. And as we all know, the older we get, the worse our memory seems to become.

Can you do anything about it? Of course you can!

If you want to have a more powerful memory you'll find these tips to be absolutely indispensable.

Memory Tip #1: Being able to focus and use your full attention is essential if you want to give yourself the best chance of remembering something. If possible, make sure your surroundings are as quiet and distraction-free as possible when attempting to memorize something.

Memory Tip #2: Being interested in what you're trying to memorize is definitely an asset. If you don't have any immediate interest in the subject matter, focus on the benefits you will gain by remembering it.

For example, you'll pass that exam, which will give you the best shot at a good job, and your girlfriend or boyfriend will think well of you. This will give you the motivation to put your full attention on what you want to memorize.

Memory Tip #3: Use some creativity. Conjure up some vivid mind pictures linked to what it is you need to remember. This is a technique used by all the professionals who entertain us with their amazing memory feats.

Here's a quick example. Suppose you are trying to memorize a shopping list. You need to buy a new hat and this is item ten on your list. Ten rhymes with hen. Imagine a hen wearing the most outrageous hat you can think of. Make the picture big, bright and bold. If you do this correctly you certainly won't forget to buy that hat!

Memory Tip #4: Practice makes perfect in this as in other things. Set yourself memory challenges. It's vitally important that you exercise your memory on a regular basis if you want to see tangible results.

If you really work that memory regularly, you'll soon find that it's better than you think. Think of your memory as being like a muscle. Any muscle that isn't exercised frequently will atrophy due to lack of use. It's the same with your memory. Use will strengthen it, and you'll soon be dazzling your friends and family with your amazing memorizing ability!

Memory Tip #5: Here's another useful tip. Whenever you're studying something really important that you want or need to remember, play some Mozart in the background. Studies have shown that the brain synchronizes itself to sound frequencies it's subjected to. If you need to concentrate, the frequencies found in the music of Mozart are among the best to harmonize the brain.


Use a few of these strategies and watch your memory improve by leaps and bounds.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

.:: Fursan - Keinsafan Diri ::.

Hati tenang mendengarnya...betapa rimbunnya dosaku...ampunilah aku.
subhanaalllah , ya ALLAH ya maha kuasa, sungguh banyak dosa ku, malu aku padamu leka dalam keasyikan dunia mu ya allah..nikmat ini hadir untuk mengujiku, tewasnya aku dalam bisikan nafsu.

ya allah, sungguh malu aku padamu..aku setiasa melupakanmu, namun Drimu tak pernah berpaling dari mengasihiku..
ampuni aku ya allah..sungguh ak tak layak ke syurga mu..namun ak tak pernah sanggup ke nerakamu..

ampuni aku Ya ALLAH
ampuni aku Ya ALLAH
ampuni aku Ya ALLAH

sungguh ajalku ,biarlah dalam keimanan kepadamu. :'(

KAsiHkah Kita pada Baginda ???


Dgn Nama Allah yg Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyanyang.

Dalam sebuah riwayat hadis...

Ketika itu Baginda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sedang duduk berkumpul bersama-sama para sahabat...
Di antara sahabat-sahabat termasuklah Saidina Abu Bakar, Saidina Omar, Saidina Uthman, Saidina Ali dan yang lain...
Lalu kemudian Baginda bertanya kepada sahabat-sahabatnya...

Wahai sahabatku, tahukah kalian...Siapakah hamba Allah yang mulia di sisi Allah?

Para sahabat terdiam... lalu ada salah seorang sahabat berkata...

Para Malaikat ya Rasulallah... merekalah yang mulia

Baginda berkata...

Ya, para Malaikat itu mulia, mereka dekat dengan Allah... Mereka sentiasa bertasbih dan beribadat kepada Allah... tentulah mereka mulia... 

tapi bukan itu yang ku maksudkan

Lalu kemudian para sahabat kembali terdiam...
Tiba-tiba salah seorang sahabat kembali berkata...

Ya Rasulallah, tentulah para Nabi...merekalah yang mulia itu

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w tersenyum... baginda berkata...

Para Nabi itu mulia...mereka adalah utusan Allah di muka bumi ini... bagaimana mungkin mereka tidak mulia...mereka mulia... tapi ada lagi yang lainnya

Para sahabat terdiam...tertanya... siapa lagi orang yang mulia...
Hingga kemudian salah seorang sahabat berkata...

Ya Rasulallah... apakah kami sahabatMu ya Rasulallah...apakah kami yang mulia itu Ya Rasul?

Baginda memandang wajah sahabatnya satu persatu... Baginda tersenyum melihat para sahabat...
Baginda berkata...

Tentulah kalian mulia...kalian dekat denganku...kalian membantu perjuanganku... mana mungkin kalian tidak mulia...tentulah kalian mulia... tapi ada lagi yang lain yang mulia

Para sahabat terdiam semuanya... mereka tidak mampu berkata apa-apa lagi...
Lalu tiba-tiba... Nabi Muhammad menundukkan wajahnya... Baginda menangis di hadapan sahabat-sahabatnya...
Para sahabat tertanya-tanya...

Mengapa kau menangis Ya Rasulallah?

Lalu Baginda mengangkat wajahnya... terlihat bagaimana air mata berlinang membasahi pipi dan janggutnya...
Baginda berkata...

Wahai saudaraku... sahabatku... tahukah kalian siapa yang mulia itu... mereka adalah manusia-manusia... mereka akan lahir jauh setelah wafatku nanti... mereka begitu mencintai Allah dan tahukah kalian... mereka tidak pernah memandangku... mereka tidak pernah melihat wajahku... mereka hidup tidak dekat dengan aku seperti kalian... tapi mereka begitu rindu kepada ku dan saksikanlah wahai sahabatku semuanya... Aku pun rindu kepada mereka... mereka yang mulia itu...merekalah umatku..

bygkn saat itu Nabi Muhammad menitiskn air matanya semua sahabat menangis..
Tlg katakn siapa yg drindukan baginda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Siapa yg sentiasa didoakn oleh baginda setiap waktu?

Demi Allah skrg tlg tanya dri kita msg2. Sudahkah kita mencintai Baginda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Tlg bygkn siapa idola kita slama ini.. 

Sudahkah ada air mata yg blenangan krn rindukan Baginda? 

Sudah berapa lama kita melupakan baginda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.. Maka mari kita hidupkan rasa cinta kpd Baginda s.a.w. Sm0ga kelak dhari kemudian di pdg mahsyar kita akn bkumpul bsama Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Don't Despair and Never Loose Hope

You know at this age (sweet 30), going out from house and meeting your girlfriends abecomes a hideous and (may be) an unpleasant business. Yes, we did enjoyed our early 20s and 30s - from schooldays to college, gallivanting around town, painting them red and had the best time of our lives with nothing to worry.
As we usher to the late 30s, each one of my friends seemed to vanish into the thin air. I know that they are only a phone call away, but they seemed like a million miles away when we are under one roof.

Talks about shoes and bags being truncated and immediately changed to EBM and breastfeeding. Chats about holidays and trips were replaced with tales about their toddlers and newborns. And you can bet on it, gushes about boyfriends being replaced by talks about husbands - one of other thing that I definitely DON'T have.
Don't get me wrong, I love them girlfriends the way there are and I'm sharing their happiness too. I get it. They are happy and want to share it with me. BUT, trying to fit in would be the most difficult thing to do. You can't expect them to hear your babble about the cute boy in your department and your work problem when they have bigger things to worry such as how they are low on their milk production, how their kids have jaundice, how they have yet to conceive etc.

Then, all of the sudden, it seemed that all our similarities gone out the window and each time I'm with them, I just zonked out and don't know what to say. They claimed I become more quiet these days. Truth is, I just don't know what else to say. I don't speak their language and they stopped speaking mine. And we're getting further and further apart. I chose to slowly get out of that community, simply because I don't think I belong.

I figured, I'd rather find a new muse for all the free times that I have now. Alhamdulillah, I found one and it's with Him. I decided to be a better Muslimah and I fell in love with that. I don't feel despair anymore, I know exactly who to turn to when I'm in dire need. As for the girlfriends, we are still good. But the 'not-fit-in' feeling are long gone now. Allah definitely doesn't pick sides and I'm blessed for that.
There must be a reason why Allah haven't granted me a husband to this very day. I just have to accept them and ask for forgiveness from the Almighty. We have to do post mortem on ourselves rather than have bad judgement to Allah on why Allah doesn't granted our prayers. First of, He is not obligated to grant them, we are His humble servant and He has all the rights to treat us the way He likes. But Allah is not cruel to us. We have to dissect, it could be the sins we have commited in the past, our relationship with our parents and others and also maybe because Allah wants us to serve our parents a bit longer.

And now I'm trying my best to become closer to Allah in every minute of my waking life. I'm sure my prayers will be granted one day and Allah knows what's the best for me. Not because He doesn't love me, simply because He loves me too much and save the best for last. I have faith in that and you ladies, should too.

So, to all my single ladies out there, quoting Maher Zain "Don't despair and never lose hope. Cause Allah is always by your side, InsyaAllah.." He's nearer than you can ever imagine. You just know how to find Him. InsyaAllah ..
"When God gives you a gift, it is so you are aware of divine kindness. When God deprives you, it is so you are aware of divine power" - Ibn 'Ata' allah RahimuAllah.

by: iluvislam